Solar 1 Electrical Are Your Trusted CEC Approved Retailer and Installer

Solar 1 Electrical is proud to announce they have signed the Clean Energy Council (CEC) Code of Conduct and have been approved as a Solar Retailer by the Clean Energy Council. The CEC is the peak body for the clean energy industry in Australia. Solar 1 Electrical are now approved retailers and installers making your decision easier when searching for a business which has committed to a higher standard of quality and service.

approved solar retailer
clean energy council accredited
The code of conduct, which is currently the only solar industry code of conduct authorised by the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC), is designed to give consumers peace of mind when making the decision to invest in a solar system by helping them select a quality retailer.
Clean Energy Council Chief Executive Kane Thornton said “The solar industry is well regulated, with all systems needing to meet Australian standards and be installed by a specially trained and accredited solar installer. This code is another important step that provides consumers with even greater confidence, and the ability to select a retailer who guarantees a high level of customer service.”

From 1st July 2019 Rebates Will Only Be Available Through CEC Approved Solar Retailers

Under the new Solar Homes Program only approved CEC retailers will be able to install solar systems under he Victorian Government rebate system. When installing solar many homes rely on the Federal and State Rebates and now more than ever installing with a company who is NOT accredited can end up costing you thousands of dollars extra.
Solar home package

The Sudden Halt to Solar Homes Packages

The 2018/2019 Solar Homes Program was launched in August 2018 with the Victorian Government announcing a rebate of up-to 50% for 24,000 households. In April 2019 the rebates ended with no warning resulting in some people being caught out of pocket. For people that had already installed solar without being approved prior or had failed to submit for their rebate before the 12th April they are now unable to apply for a rebate. For anyone who had submitted an application prior to 12th April they will receive an email advising them of when they are approved before they can proceed with the install. If you fall into this category and had solar installed with us, please make sure you contact us to register for updates and to see if you are eligible to claim a rebate from 1st July.

Changes to the Solar Homes Programs and New Rebates from 1st July

The rebate is due to return on 1st July with a few changes and new incentives including new battery rebates, interest free loans and solar solutions for renters.
solar panels

Solar PV Panels and Solar Hot Water

The program is designed to offer eligible households a Solar Panel (PV) Rebate of up to $2,225 with new interest free options to be launched. The Solar Hot Water Rebate of $1,000 is still open and available for the replacement of hot water systems over 3 years old.


Solar for Rental Properties

New to the program will be The Solar Homes Renters Program  which will provide $82 million over 10 years to support 50,000 Victorian households who rent their home to access the benefits of solar panels. The installation of solar panels is expected to save a typical Victorian household who rents their home $890 on their electricity bill every year, while landlords will benefit by getting panels at low cost. The Solar Homes program will provide $40 million to support 10,000 households to install a solar home battery system.


Solar Battery Rebates

The Solar Home Battery System will enable households who have already installed solar to apply for a 50 per cent rebate (up to a maximum rebate value of $4,839) in 2019-20, which is expected to be the price of a typical 11 kWh solar home battery system.

Households will only be eligible for one rebate under the Program (i.e. a household that accesses a solar hot water rebate cannot claim a solar PV rebate).

Prepare NOW and Avoid Missing Out

time to get ready

As the last round of solar rebates filled up fast, we are preparing our customers now for when the rebates re-open on the 1st July. We recommend you are ready to go, quotes completed, details and paperwork sorted and applications for rebates ready to be submitted when the portal opens.

Based on experience the average turn around for approvals was 6 weeks when the program ended in April this year. We are anticipating a high rate of applications when the rebates re-open on 1st July as many people have been holding off.

Register Today for a Free No Obligation Discussion and Quote.

Simply complete one of our enquiry forms below and one of our qualified team members will walk you through the process and find a solution suited to your needs.
Call Us: 1300 451 316